
Showing posts from February 16, 2013

Genesis of political arrogance

Recently, there have been increasing behaviors in Indian politics that only smell arrogance. Most probably its the case that the general behavior of a politician is captured by cameras by chance. Where does this arrogance come from and how is it for the governance? Over assessment of self worth:    It originates from the feeling of insulation from wrong doings catching up, from the confidence in ability to tweak reality by virtue of money and power to influence perceptions and divert attentions into confusion, also from being surrounded by agreeing advisers, security guards, convoy of vehicles. Inability to handle criticism or divergent views:   The natural consequence is superiority complex. That sees everyone else worthless and any criticism constructive or otherwise irritating. And any event that tests patience turns into a outburst. How is it for governance?   Governance that is based on singular views and is inflexible for correcting its course based on constructive crit