
Showing posts from October 24, 2020

October 24, 2020

Today is also Khisti mama's birthday. A warm guiding personality. Wish him good health and god's grace. This day in 2005, I had joined NetDevices. That was a great dynamic startup experience. Made good friends and enjoyed the experience there. I think more than company era defines the experience. Experience in Sapient in 2004 was of that of 2k .com boom. NetDevices carried an era of Networking culture that was carried up from 90s. Jio is more of an Indian collaborative experience. Today watched marathi movie cycle. A good watch for entire family. Light storyline, good picturization. And life lessons too. Caught up some work as well.  Tomorrow is dussura. Lets resolve to conquer the unconquered on the eve.

23 ऑक्टोबर 2020

 दहा वाजता सुरू केलेलं काम. साधारण १ वाजला झोपायला. उद्याही थोडंस काम आहे. बघूया. प्रोग्रॅम मध्ये काही अनपेक्षित होताना का ते शोधून काढण्यात थोडा वेळ गेला. बाकी मीटिंग आणि चर्चानी नेहमीचा वेळ खाल्ला. संध्याकाळी पावभाजीचा बेत होता.