
Dec 09, 2020

Got ready by 10. Went to SSD hospital with Arvindrao. Appointment was at 11. The hernia needs to be operated was the suggestion from the doctor. After discussions at home we should decide date. The work day was normal. Catching up with pending tasks. Found time for skipping. Thought of the day - When posed with challenges we must tackle them one after another without being bogged down.

Dec 08, 2020

 The day was bit occupied. Meetings, sync up etc occupied major part of the day. Found time for skipping.  Aai is having feverishness. The weather might be having this effect. Should take more immunity boosters. Thought of the day - mundane it may sound but there lies scope for making an improvement.  ॐ.

Dec 07, Monday, 2020

 Its a working day post slow weekend. The day was moderately loaded. Have some catch up to do this week. May need to motivate myself to raise a bit early. आजचा विचार - एक अनेकात, अनेकांत एक. ॐ.

Sunday, Dec 6, 2020

 It was a sunday morning at Mandar's place. Fixed some bugs that someone reported on Saturday. It was quick one. There was handava kind of uttappa for breakfast. So good that I ended up ordering online. We went to the terrace walked. And came back. Atharv, Kanad, Amay played football. Once the ball went straight down. Needed to be bought up. Aai made khava poli for lunch. Ordered clothes for Kanad and Atharv. Returned back once India Australia T20 was half over. They made 195 runs. Eventually India won the match. Had a hair and beared cut. Bathed again. Performed havan. At 2027 walked couple of rounds with father.He was having heavy breathing as its a physical activity in months for him. We resolved to continue walking in coming days. Thought of the day - At a higher plane you are a continuous living being since the time unknown.

Dec 5, Saturday, 2020

 It was a saturday spent some time working. In the evening went to Mandar with Atharv and Kanad.  Had dinner and slept. There was green leafy curry and chapati. Amay, Atharv, Kanad played. Had to make mosquito net arrangement. Thought of the day - Change of environment sometimes calms the nerves.

Dec 04, 2020

 It was a medium hectic day. Project wise its a transitional phase. One stabilizing and shifting focus to new one. Aai's backache is subsiding. She has started calcium and vitamin D dose. The feverishness is better today. Found time for skipping. And news. The farmers protest is all over. All noise and little substance. Thought of the day - Focus can crack a hard shell and you are not missing the bus as there is a tree in the seed, there is an universe in a particle.  जे पिंडी ते ब्रह्मांडी.ॐ.

Dec 03, 2020

 It was a quick getup ready morning. Got to work with 1030 meeting. The day progressed with meetings, calls. A relatively calmer schedule. The current automaton project is getting in better shape. It was sankashti chaturthi so it was fasting day with dinner after chandroday. Thought of the day - Better the perception higher the level of living.