
Dec 13, 2020

 It was a normal sunday routine. Had a nap in the afternoon. Nitya sadhana in the morning. Work related catchup in post lunch. Went to Mandar in the evening. Ashu made samosas after research on youtube. They were nice. Mandar, Aai, Binita, Amay also liked it.  Its amavasya tomorrow. Its also solar eclipse day in some part of the world. Thought of the day - Human endeavours from times unknown are an inspiration.

Dec 12, Saturday, 2020

 Saturday was laid back. Performed nitya sadhana in the evening. Performed havan. Mandar came in the evening. Had chit chat. Thought of the day - do the needful and beyond.

Dec 11, 2020

There was a meeting in the morning. Followed up with estimation exercise. Performed snan sandhya in the evening. Thought of the day - Doing and doing consistently the right thing is liberating.

10 डिसेंबर 2020

 आज चहा पिऊन आशु सोबत बाहेर गेलो भाजी आणायला. भोपळा फसला चांगला नाही निघाला. अक्कल खाती जमा. आल्यावर अंघोळ केली. एक मीटिंग झाली आणि लाइट गेले. मग बराच वेळ काम नाही झालं. तिनला लाइट आले मग काम सुरू केलं. संध्याकाळी भडंग आणि लाडू असा बेत होता.  आज अथर्व आणि कणादचे कपडे आले. धुवून वापरायला काढावे. आजचा विचार - अपरिहार्यतेला सहज आनंदाने सामोरे जाणं अंगी बनवायला हवं.

Dec 09, 2020

Got ready by 10. Went to SSD hospital with Arvindrao. Appointment was at 11. The hernia needs to be operated was the suggestion from the doctor. After discussions at home we should decide date. The work day was normal. Catching up with pending tasks. Found time for skipping. Thought of the day - When posed with challenges we must tackle them one after another without being bogged down.

Dec 08, 2020

 The day was bit occupied. Meetings, sync up etc occupied major part of the day. Found time for skipping.  Aai is having feverishness. The weather might be having this effect. Should take more immunity boosters. Thought of the day - mundane it may sound but there lies scope for making an improvement.  ॐ.

Dec 07, Monday, 2020

 Its a working day post slow weekend. The day was moderately loaded. Have some catch up to do this week. May need to motivate myself to raise a bit early. आजचा विचार - एक अनेकात, अनेकांत एक. ॐ.