Absolute and Relative

In geometry, we always start with axioms. Axiom of a point. Then follow the definitions of the line, plane, co-ordinate system. Thereupon built up are the various theorems and thier proofs till the enormous field of modern animation. So is the way with any scientific stream. Sciences depend more on experiments for their deductions.
With the advent of programming, we see lots of mathematics, algorithms, heuristics, data churning and simulations taking pace aiding experiments. Looking at the genesis of every field and thinking why it is the way it is as it is, leads to an interesting sea of possibilities.
I start with the numeral system we use. Decimal for the humans and binary for the computers. Origins of numeral system lie the social life engaged in trading for fulfilling its needs and advncement of its individuals. Answer to why not have a hundred as base opposed to ten, lie in human memory to memorize distict numerals when remembering was imperative. For computers it was the two distinct states of a semiconductor diode, which drove binary mathematical circuits into computers. Both of these have lot of context and history to be understood. Had there been any other substance which led to a building block device with three distinct stages, computer science would have been based on trinary numbers. And many processor's computing problems would have been differnt.
Take different languages around the world. Origins of many date back to distinct parallelly developed civilizations, with minimal means of communication in between them. Hence we find distict linguistic expressions unique to a language with no exact parallel element in any other language.
Let us take human audibility, visibility. There is certain frequency of air viabrations that a human ear can hear. And there is a certain frequency of light radiations and reflections that we can see with our eyes.
While considering the possiblity of existance of life on a planet other than earth, with a differnt, possibly advanced evolution state, all these considerations give an launching pad for the grasp. We need to consider possibilty of senses differnt to what humans posses. Say there exists an species which has a sense that combines function of ear and eyes. Or they have an inbuilt sense that can communicate just like our current wireless communication system. Best we can co-relate to this situation is imagine ourself to be dumb &/or &/or deaf &/ blind in that world.


Unknown said…
The simplest explanation is the best explanation is a universally true statement. The principle of KISS aka Keep It Simple Syndrome is widely applicable.

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