It was a loaded day, meetings, data analysis, discussions, rca, debugging all started at 10, continued till midnight. Caught up whatsapp and its time for sleep.
In geometry, we always start with axioms. Axiom of a point. Then follow the definitions of the line, plane, co-ordinate system. Thereupon built up are the various theorems and thier proofs till the enormous field of modern animation. So is the way with any scientific stream. Sciences depend more on experiments for their deductions. With the advent of programming, we see lots of mathematics, algorithms, heuristics, data churning and simulations taking pace aiding experiments. Looking at the genesis of every field and thinking why it is the way it is as it is, leads to an interesting sea of possibilities. I start with the numeral system we use. Decimal for the humans and binary for the computers. Origins of numeral system lie the social life engaged in trading for fulfilling its needs and advncement of its individuals. Answer to why not have a hundred as base opposed to ten, lie in human memory to memorize distict numerals when remembering was imperative. For computers it was the two d...
The music is playing from my earphones and i have got one hour of a battery in laptop. This bearably hot evening i am on my train back to Bangalore from Udgir, my native. Humpi Link express, the train, is passing through some part of Andra Pradesh and its 4:47pm. In many Hindu rituals the priests pronounce the historic name of the area where the ritual is performed. I grew up listening to my being called as "Dandak Aranya". As it used to be called since Aryan time. Integral part of the Aryawarta - what we call Indian subcontinent. The Aryawarta as such is an island in every non-geographical sense, being surrounded by the Himalayan sea in the north and by the Indian Ocean, Arebean Sea and Bay of Bengal on the entire south. The stories from puranas tell the ancient stories related to the area - Dandak Aranya. It used to be a forest inhabiting extremely dangerous animals. This area was considered cursed, may be due to its inhospitality. On this day you rarely find a forest here....
This is one of the most joyous kind of relationship. There had been many quotations about friendship. The one that I remember most vividly is about between whom there can be friendship, it goes like this "friendship can exist between persons of same age-group and comparable in power." Personally for me greatest learning has been throgh friends and buddies. May it be knowing about ways of the world or having the fire to getting to the destined. I think that friends are the ones to whom you can relate to most after yourself. Arjun has been described as a friend of Krishna, in Mahabharata. There have been instances of friendships demonstrated and a lot has always been said about it since ages. All along we keep hearng, books are our best firends. One can keep dumping thoughts on a friend without any intention. May it be a trouble or a celebration you got to have friends to get through it or to enjoy it, respectively. It is quite rightly said that a person can be best analyzed t...