Dec 22, 2020, Tuesday

At around 6 PU tai came with coffee for father. Came back to home, had bath and nitya sadhana. Checked mails, had lunch and went back to hospital.

The doctor visited and enquired about health. He advised discharge tomorrow. Advised walking. 

Went to Mandar in the afternoon when Ashu and Aai were in the hospital.

Atharv Chatufale / Tillu has come at Mandar's place. Had a walk in Nisarg Udyan with him and Mandar in the evening. He is a bright kid. Will excel in the field he chooses.

At night its regular medicine dose. Father had rice and dal for dinner. 

In the evening Lalit Chauhan called and in the night Amit & Amar called. Chit chat. Hope for catchup once we have vaccine dose.

Thought of the day - awakened is a better state than unaware ignorance. ॐ


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