
The one rupee snack

Encountered this wonderful snack which comes in the shapes of animals and objects. Eating it with my son is not only fun, it is also learning animals and objects. And guess what it just costs rupee one. Its a very powerful innovation at the bottom of pyramid. The 7g snack is made by Isha foods, Nagawara main road, Bangalore. Very wonderful innovation. Need more of such disruptive products elsewhere.

Genesis of political arrogance

Recently, there have been increasing behaviors in Indian politics that only smell arrogance. Most probably its the case that the general behavior of a politician is captured by cameras by chance. Where does this arrogance come from and how is it for the governance? Over assessment of self worth:    It originates from the feeling of insulation from wrong doings catching up, from the confidence in ability to tweak reality by virtue of money and power to influence perceptions and divert attentions into confusion, also from being surrounded by agreeing advisers, security guards, convoy of vehicles. Inability to handle criticism or divergent views:   The natural consequence is superiority complex. That sees everyone else worthless and any criticism constructive or otherwise irritating. And any event that tests patience turns into a outburst. How is it for governance?   Governance that is based on singular views and is inflexible for correcting its course based on constructive crit

Fluid automata

These are armature  videos to demonstrate a simple idea regarding energy efficient fluid transport. It revolves around the observation that if an airtight pipe is used then water flows without energy as long as start point holds an higher level of water than the exit. The twists and turns or the elevation of the pipe in between do not matter. 

A naturalist's dilemma

We hear a lot of voices carrying an argument that things not being good for us as these are not directly available in nature and hence opposed to our natural well being. This argument if applied in totality makes the whole human endavours over centuries and millaniums a war against the nature. Which is flawed. Being foremost thinking creatures we have the advantage and responsibility. Sustainability for ourselves and the surroundings; living and the complimentry needs to be thought to the best of the comprehension. Any cynical approch in either direction can only be undoing of the endavours.

The last satyamev jayate episode

Let me first admit that i am a big fan of the   series. It has had an impact that is far greater than the sum  total of indian news channel  debates in recent years.  I liked the story of the villager who single handedly  paved a way across a mountain. I feel it has a great lesson for the anna movement and  citizens frustated of the system. A single  man's determination can move a mounntain; with so many good  people around system is bound to  channge; save a bit determination.

C Program to solve a 9*9 Sudoku

Here is a program that I wrote to solve Sudoku sometime back. Posting on the blog now. #include int show_sudoku(); static int sudoku_nos[9][9]= { {3,0,5,4,0,1,6,0,2}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,1}, {6,0,0,0,0,9,7,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4}, {0,0,0,6,4,5,0,0,9}, {4,3,7,0,0,8,2,0,5}, {0,0,0,0,6,2,0,0,0}, {0,5,4,0,1,0,0,8,6}, {8,7,0,0,5,0,1,2,0} }; static short int vals_g[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; static short int others_options[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int show_possiblities(int i, int j,short int vals[]) { int m=0,n=0,count=9,udi=0; for(m=0;m<9;m++) { if(sudoku_nos[i][m]!=0) { vals[sudoku_nos[i][m]-1]=0; count--; } } for(m=0;m<9;m++) { if((sudoku_nos[m][j]!=0)&& vals[sudoku_nos[m][j]-1]!=0) { vals[sudoku_nos[m][j]-1]=0; count--; } } for(m=(i-(i%3));m<((i-(i%3))+3);m++) {    for(n=(j-(j%3));n<((j-(j%3))+3);n++) { if((sudoku_nos[m][n]!=0)&& vals[sudoku_nos[m][n]-1]!=0) { vals[sud

Name search

The search for the name for the newcomer in the family was not an easy task. Firstly I tried google, which gives links to websites with many Indian names. Which to me were quite heard of types. Or they were too much unheard of. Due to sheer enthusiasm for a perfect name I downloaded Mudgala Kosha   which is kind of encyclopedia of sanskrit words / meanings with online search urls. Finally after a lot of proposals and discarding Ashwini and I could agree on Atharv. For this name we didn't need the dictionary at all. Its a known name. Anyways to preserve my time spent here is the list of names that made to the shortlist: अथर्व  अमेय  वरद अमोघ -  A name of Lord गणेश परम - the supreme कराट   m.   N.   of   गण ेश   MaitrS.   [#45905]   [Img:255,2] अ क्षज  /  अ क्ष--ज  m.  a  diamond   [#442]   [Img:3,1] [442]   अ क्षज  /  अ क्ष--ज  m.  a  thunderbolt   [#443]   [Img:3,1] [443]   अ क्षज  /  अ क्ष--ज  m.   N.   of   विष्णु  .  [#444]   [Img:3,1] अद्वय अयाचित अरुष म यूख म ह