Name search

The search for the name for the newcomer in the family was not an easy task.
Firstly I tried google, which gives links to websites with many Indian names. Which to me were quite heard of types.
Or they were too much unheard of.
Due to sheer enthusiasm for a perfect name I downloaded
Mudgala Kosha which is kind of encyclopedia of sanskrit words / meanings with online search urls.

Finally after a lot of proposals and discarding Ashwini and I could agree on Atharv. For this name we didn't need the dictionary at all. Its a known name.

Anyways to preserve my time spent here is the list of names that made to the shortlist:
अमोघ -  A name of Lord गणेश
परम - the supreme
कराट m. N. of गणेश MaitrS. [#45905] [Img:255,2]
क्षज / क्ष--ज m. a diamond [#442] [Img:3,1]
[442] क्षज / क्ष--ज m. a thunderbolt [#443] [Img:3,1]
[443] क्षज / क्ष--ज m. N. of विष्णु . [#444] [Img:3,1]

पूषन् m. (the अ not lengthened in the strong cases , but acc. षाणम् , in Ma1rkP. )N. of a Vedic deity (originally connected with the sun , and therefore the surveyor of all things , and the conductor on journeys and on the way to the next world , often associated with सोम or the Moon as protector of the universe ; he is , moreover , regarded as the keeper of flocks and herds and bringer of prosperity ; in the ब्राह्मण s he is represented as having lost his teeth and feeding on a kiN. of gruel , whence he is called करम्भा-द् ; in later times he is oN. of the 12 आदित्य s and regeN. of the नक्षत्र रेवती or पौष्ण ; du. " पूषन् and अर्यमन् " VP. Sch. ) 

Hope this helps someone find perfect name for their baby.


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