
October 8th 2020

आज atendence सकाळी लावायच राहिलं. Regularize करू.  या वर्षीचा ITR नाही भरला. भरू. यंदा फॉर्म 16 बराच उशिरा आला. घरून काम करताना ब्रेक कमी होतात. IMs, calls, mails, phone यात दिवस उडून जातो. Dev ops, CI/CD मधे long term lasting fix साठी म्हणावा तेवढा वेळ देता येत नाही. R&D मध्ये daily recurring time investment करणे हा पर्याय आहे.  थंडीचे दिवस येतील आता आणि नवरात्र. यंदा घरातच. Cycling चा पर्याय आहे. पहाटे उठून निर्जन ट्रॅकवर जाणं safe आहे. डेरिंग करूच. Cycle ची  डागडुजी करावी.  Those days are well spent when the we wake up by action thoughts for the day. Or those are good ones on which zero thought sound sleep terminates in calm nothing to do start of the day. Lets see how tomorrow arises.

Typical day

 Its a normal lock down day. Electricity outage is giving me oportunity to do diary note early. The phone is up. Had a session for new joiners from the department virtually. Its going to be long wait before we meet in person. Calls are constant during the lockdown. Too many of them at times.  The program of the last day has tamed. Writing is having a good side effect of calmer head and sounder sleep I think. I remember reading a good book also has same effect. Its a Wednesday almost half way through the week. May be good time to start reading a new book.

The sand of time

 Its almost 12 pm and I am yet to figure out why my program is taking so much time to complete. No option but to take time for the daily exercise and bath, and sadhana. Looking at my abysmal progress in the spiritual realm, I am being only patient and self encouraging in calling morning 20 minutes rituals a sadhana. But then who knows which knock turns watery in well digging. At 11:30pm now the program is bit fast with compromise. Lets see in the morning. It is quite true that we overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in 10 years. Its time to call it a night. Day 3 of the diary project ends. 

संकष्टी चतुर्थी अधिक मास २०२०

 अधिक महिन्यातील संकष्टी चतुर्थी आणि अथर्वचा वाढदिवस असा योग होता. बाहेर एक फेरफटका झाला. अथर्वला आणि कणादला पेन आणलं.  अभिरामला पहिल्यांदा पाहिलं. शांत आहे बाळ. अमय छान गुजराती शिकलाय. नवल आहे तीन महिन्यांत नवीन भाषा शिकला तो.  पियू ताई आणि प्रथमेश धावती भेट देऊन गेले. अथर्वसाठी केक बनउन आणला ताईंनी. संध्याकाळी औक्षण आणि केक कटिंगच whtsapp प्रक्षेपण झालं. दिवसभरात अथर्वला बरेच फोन झाले.  ओंकार दिल्लीला पोहोचलाय. काम सुरू झालयं त्याचं. उद्या बोलतो त्याला.

The diary project

The diary is a means to be observant. Its like a mirror to the brains current flux. Corona has kept the physical interaction to a limited spear. Reading has been a breakout companion. Exercising has been to minimal. Suryanamaskars in the mornings and weekend skipping. Feel that for basic well being of the body great exertion is not a must. But regularity matters a lot. This routine along with sanitary precautions has kept the machine well functioning. The daily warm lemon spices black rock salt dose might also have had a role. Fingers crossed till there is vaccine. Today read a book about the Theosophical movement by K. Parvathi Kumar. That is the trigger for this diary enterprise. The book basically recommends five practices by the Master for twelve years.  The fifth is offer youself for the execution of the Gods plan of action before you to sleep. The fourth one is to maintain a diary. The third one is at all times consider what you can do for others instead of expecting what others

Thoughts and actions

The routine shores are hard wired in brain that they happen almost without realization of they being done. About non-routine actions the origin is first in thought of doing it and it gets done with some soft wiring. Yesterday watched a video that dealt with function of brain and electric impulses in movement of body parts. Here is the thought provoking video:                 Ted Neuroscience video Even if we are free of the electric wiring as depicted in this video we are largely driven by our thoughts and habits. Doing thought digestion is really very important part of our existence and actions.

The one rupee snack

Encountered this wonderful snack which comes in the shapes of animals and objects. Eating it with my son is not only fun, it is also learning animals and objects. And guess what it just costs rupee one. Its a very powerful innovation at the bottom of pyramid. The 7g snack is made by Isha foods, Nagawara main road, Bangalore. Very wonderful innovation. Need more of such disruptive products elsewhere.