
Dec 04, 2020

 It was a medium hectic day. Project wise its a transitional phase. One stabilizing and shifting focus to new one. Aai's backache is subsiding. She has started calcium and vitamin D dose. The feverishness is better today. Found time for skipping. And news. The farmers protest is all over. All noise and little substance. Thought of the day - Focus can crack a hard shell and you are not missing the bus as there is a tree in the seed, there is an universe in a particle.  जे पिंडी ते ब्रह्मांडी.ॐ.

Dec 03, 2020

 It was a quick getup ready morning. Got to work with 1030 meeting. The day progressed with meetings, calls. A relatively calmer schedule. The current automaton project is getting in better shape. It was sankashti chaturthi so it was fasting day with dinner after chandroday. Thought of the day - Better the perception higher the level of living.

Dec 02, 2020

 It was a busy day. Was late to sleep, was at work at 1030. Its about midnight to sleep. Got time to skip, in an otherwise packed day. Aai has fever. Little bit worried due to environment. Prepared routine kadha. Thought of the day - sometimes you are just in sequence of the larger unfolding, with no choice.

Dec 01, 2020

 आज मंदारचा वाढदिवस असतो, 1 डिसेंबर. सकाळी बोललो त्याच्याशी.कणाद बोलला. नंतर टीनूशी बोललो, मावशीच्या तब्येतीविषयी. गुढगेदुखीसाठी 3 महिने गोळ्या व्यायाम सांगितला आहे. दिवसभर मीटिंगस, कॉल्स असे चालू होते.  रात्री मंदारकड केक कापला. दहिवडे होते. त्याच्या गच्चीवर चकरा मारल्या.  घरी आल्यावर काम केलं. आता झोपेची वेळ झाली आहेथोडा उशीर झालाय. आजचा विचार - असा वेळ जेव्हा काहीच करायचं नाही, कधी येईल माहीत नाही. पण व्यस्त वेळत, मनाचा निवांतपणा असावा.

Nov 30, 2020

 It was a busy day. 3-4 meetings, lots of support issues. Jam packed.  Manku, PU tai, Swapnil sir retuned to Panvel today. Could take time out for skipping. Thought of the day - In overwhelming situation, be patient and take steps one by one.

Nov 29, 2020

 It was a 9 am Sunday morning. Got up, got ready and went to Mandar and aai for lunch. There was bhajji bhakri and ambil. Supported one upgrade at 3:30. Chitchat with aai, walk on terrace with Mandar in the evening and came back home at around 8. Prepared green tamarind thecha with recipie that aai has told. Dinner followed by hot water sip. On 30th, its Kanad's birthday by tithi. Wished him and retired to sleep. Thought of the day - Understand and the friction goes away.

Nov 28, 2020

 It was a saturday morning starting at 9.  Supported field teams. Worked few hours. Recharged jiotv with new plan that included prime. Watched movie chalang on tv.  संध्याकाळी तुळशी विवाह. दिवाळी आणि चातुर्मास उद्यापन.  मंदार आला होता, त्याच्याकडं जाऊन आलो संध्याकाळी.  घरी जेवणात पाव भाजी होती. आजचा विचार - उद्विग्नता स्वल्पविराम दिल्यावर, साधनेनी, शांत संकल्पानी ऊर्जेत रूपांतरित करावी. ॐ.