
Dec 18, 2020, Friday

 आज दुपार एक वाजता अरविंदरावांची कोविडची टेस्ट केली. उद्या रिपोर्ट येतील. उद्या डॉक्टरांना भेटू.  बाकी ऑफिसचे मीटिंगस, कॉल्स, थोडी बहुत कोडींग यात दिवस गेला. आज दोरीवरच्या उड्या मारल्या. १५०. बिनीताने उधीयु हा भाजीचा गुजराती प्रकार करून पाठवला होता. छान होती झाली. सगळ्यांना आवडला. आवळा लिंबू काळं मीठ आलं यांचा काढा केला. आता गाडी झोपायपर्यंत आली आहे. आजचा विचार - जे घडतं ते घडवतो म्हणलं की ओझं होतं, आणि ते तसं नसतं, ते घडतच असतं, आपण साक्षी असतो, ओझं वाहायचं काही कारण नाही.

Dec 17, Thursday, 2020

 Met with Dr Abhijit Bagul with reports in afternoon. Deciding to operate Arvindrao for Harnia on Monday. Met with the physician Dr Sonawane in the evening.  Workwise the day was occupied with meetings. One discussion regarding estimating upgrade needs to AG layer required some coding. Rest were general discussions for ongoing and upcoming projects.

Dec 16, 2020

Wednesday, went to SSD for 2D Echo test at 3. Came back with all reports at 4. Routine meetings, calls, support occupied the day. Thought of the day - time is great commodity as precious as ephemeral deserves to be consciously spent.

Dec 15, Tuesday, 2020

 The day started with visit to SSD hospital for Arvindrao's fasting sugar. Also visited in the afternoon for post lunch sugar, Xray, ECG, Sonography for the Harnia surgery. Tomorrow 2D eco and covid tests to be done. Doctor's consultation and surgery date to be decided the day after tomorrow. Workwise it was normally loaded. Some fixes deployed. Meetings, routine support. Thought of the day - Its a good idea to delegate.

Dec 14, Monday, 2020

 It was a occupied Monday. A quarrel with Ashu in the morning. Amavasya vrat, tarpan was part of the day. Workwise shared the results of the collection run over the weekend.  Thought of the day - a astrological study need not be avoided for the behavioural impact it sometimes leads to. Aloof study of fact of the matter is only helpful and should be used to advantage.

Dec 13, 2020

 It was a normal sunday routine. Had a nap in the afternoon. Nitya sadhana in the morning. Work related catchup in post lunch. Went to Mandar in the evening. Ashu made samosas after research on youtube. They were nice. Mandar, Aai, Binita, Amay also liked it.  Its amavasya tomorrow. Its also solar eclipse day in some part of the world. Thought of the day - Human endeavours from times unknown are an inspiration.

Dec 12, Saturday, 2020

 Saturday was laid back. Performed nitya sadhana in the evening. Performed havan. Mandar came in the evening. Had chit chat. Thought of the day - do the needful and beyond.