
Dec 29, 2020

Woke up and watched India Australia 2nd test match. India won. Mandar had made pohe for breakfast. After sadhana, it was lunch time.  Mandar got Atharv, Prathamesh and Kanad. Had urad dal, green veg. It was datta jayanti so aai had fast. Played cricket till we were exhausted. Breaks meant some reading. Went home, had pizza dinner. Came back to Aai, Mandar afterwards. Its a sleep time. Thought of the day - Slow and consistent perseverance is the way to learn anything worthwhile.

Dec 28, 2020

 It was a leave day spent at leisure. Attended a meeting at 11:30 though. Watched test match in the morning. Spent most of the afternoon sleeping. Woke up, no major work apart from checking few mails. Came home with Mandar and Aai. Had dinner and returned. Had prepared salad. It was a chit chat and good nights sleep at Mandar's place. Thought of the day - mind and thought power translate to happenings of the world. ॐ

Dec 27, 2020, Sunday

Start of the day at 9 am. Watched man ki baat and India Australia test match. At around noon came to Mandar. Bath, havan and nitya sadhana was performed. Mandar joined for sandhya. Continued reading in the afternoon. Went to Star outlet for brief shopping. Mandar prepared batata vada and I made biryani.  Continued watching a video that I plan to complete. Thought of the day - Underutilization is best avoided.


 Went to SSD for follow up and dressing. Mandar came by for pickup/ drop to and from hospital. Had to wait for an hour.  It was shrikhand for lunch. Did take bath after returning from hospital. It was madhyanya sandhya and pooja. In the afternoon Onkar called, regarding his house buying. He decided to liquidate his MF savings to buy house, after flirting with idea to sell gold. The eventful year is coming to an end. It was spent home bound, making the inner world disciplined and becoming a better seeker. Thought of the day - The spiritual progress and awareness is the pillar around which our ancestors lived life. Much is lost in translation but what remains still enough to amaze and make deep impression.

Dec 25, 2020, Friday

 It was a working day. मोक्षदा एकादशी, गीता जयंती. दिवस व्यस्त होता. बापू आत्या आणि फॅमिली फदरांंची गांठ घ्यायला आले होते.   फादरांंच पोट आज ऑपरेशन नंतर पहिल्यांदा नीट साफ झाल. टेंशन कमी झालं.  काही प्रश्न कसे सोड़वायचे या विचारात रात्रि वेळ गेला.  आजचा विचार - जवाबदारी घेणं मर्म आहे.

Marine drive and gateway of India fly by in dec 2020

 It was a back to work day. Meetings in the morning and afternoon. Went to Mumbai in the evening. A stroll at gateway of India and at Marine drive. Atharv Chatufale, Changa, dada, Manku, Mandar.  Here is how it looked. Less crowd, desperate sellers.  Testing times.  Caught up with mails once back. Had bhajji bhakri mattha dinner that Aai had prepared. Tillu wad going back to Tuljapur the next day. Wished him focus, efforts and luck for competitive exams. Thought of the day - Limitlessness lies in the present nothing is conditional.

Dec 23, 2020

 Today Arvindrao got discharge from hospital. Came back home.  I joined office. In the evening, went out for stroll with Tillu, Atharv, Kanad , Manku and Mandar. Gateway and marine drive. It was less crowded. Drive was good one. Came back and had bhajji bhakri that aai had prepared. Thought of the day - Mind is a thought machine better be kept quiet when not needed and focussed when at work.