
Contemplate and act

 Nitya puja and havan performed. Caught up afternoon nap. Went to walk in Nisarg udyan with Mandar in the evening. Yesterday completed rent agreement. Thought of the day - Working on the contemplations from the Sadhana is the next thing.  ॐ। 

Saturday January ९th 2021

 Saturday - Was mostly spent reading and few calls. Fixed some issues noticed. Thought of the day - change habit change life.

Friday January 8th 2021

Typical. Good progress in work. Mandar is traveling to Udgir. Thought of the day - To resist confrontation as far as possible and stand firm when the need be. ॐ

Thursday, Jan 07, 2021

Typical work day. Meetings, calls, coding, reviews occupied most of the day. There was some political rioting in the US. Emotive fever. नर्मदे हर. Atharv solved full rubic cube today! Kanad's bicycle learning is a bumpy ride. Thought of the day - Instead of conflict, coordination is better measure. ॐ। 

Jan 06, 2021, Wednesday

 Thought of the day - सुख आणि आनंद यात परस्पर संबंध नसला की जिंकलो.  सहला उठलो. काही वेळ सकाळची वर्दळ मंदारच्या बाल्कनीतून पाहण्यात गेली. आई मंगल मावशी काकांसोबत गप्पा झाल्या. चायपे चर्चाच.  भाजी दूध आणलं. मंगल मावशीने ज्वारीचं उपिट केलं होतं. छान होती चव. काम ठीक ठीक होतं. काढा केला आणि गाडी आता झोपेपर्यंत आली आहे. ॐ

YouTube is great

 The day started at ८:४५. Mandar will travel back tomorrow. Aai and mavshi listened to youtube talk by Abhyankar on veer Savarkar. Team meeting was short. The day was involved with many calls and coding. Could complete the pendency. Completed Chitale नर्मदा परिक्रमा video series. Watched some more Narmada parikrama videos. आज आईनी उकड कोडबोळ केले होते ज्वारीच्या पिठाचे. Completed diary pendency of last few days. Thought of the day - प्रणप्रियः च कल्याणकर: स्वधर्म मार्गः। ॐ

Jan ०४, २०२१

 It was second working day of २०२१. Showed narmada parikrama youtube video to Aai and Mangal mavshi on chromecast. The workload was normal. There was team meeting in the evening. It was chandan batwa bhaji for dinner. Thought of the day - नर्मदे हर। ॐ