
Nov 23, 2020

Could find time to file IT return. Same old xls XML upload way with instant aadhar verification. Workwise the day was moderately loaded. Some calls and meetings. Thought of the day - some days pass as unnoticed mechanical way, we should keep up the clamour for higher longing irrespective.

Nov 22, 2020

 It was a early wake up sunday. Watched Rangoli on DD national.  Today's Sadhana included sri sukt havan. Watched a movie in the afternoon. Also had a nap. Had a lemon grass tea in the evening. Watched an interesting video in the evening claiming astronomically it can be proven that The Mahabharat war happened 3067 BCE - more on Thought of the day - The more we get into procedure or the more we disregard the procedure there is a trap. The goal and the means both should concur in a balanced way, just like salt in food.

Nov 21, 2020

 Its was a saturday. Got up at bit late than ususal. The progressed got some office calls. Addressed some issues. Completed some tasks that I had promised myself. Started reading books. Shri dasbodh. It is full of wisdom. It has deep impact on the subconscious. There are certain books  that have one theme that you can catch and it continues. But dasbodh is full of pearls. One particularly got impressed is the significance of human birth. It lists down the great things achieved by human beings and how fortunate we are to have it. It further goes on impress altruistic life as what we say its my own is actually shared. The space we live in, the body we have, is all shared by cohabitants. Family, microorganisms. So it should occur naturally to us to think for all. Yesterday went to dental clinic to have Kanad's troubling milk teeth removed. Dr Dharmadhikari was dressed up like a Covid fighter. He skillfully gave local anesthesia and removed three already decayed loose troubling th...

Nov 20, 2020

 It was a moderately busy day. Could get ball rolling on some fronts. Deep work paving way for generalizations and scale. Thought for the day - In middle of likes and dislikes lies the balanced one, calm, steady and unwavering experience.

Nov 19, 2020

 It was a normal workday. Meetings, fixes, calls. Skipping was part of the evening schedule. Thought of the day - a blissfully empty mind is a great state of mind to be in.

Nov 18, 2020

 It was a busy day. Meetings discussions debugging occupied large part of the day.  Prathamesh, Swapnil sir and P U tai returned back to Panvel in the afternoon. Thought of the day - irrespective of outcome its a learning every moment, just keep calm and sip in.

Nov 17, 2020

 It's Kanad's birthday today. Today is also Tambe sir and PUtai's anniversary. The day started by wishing them. There was cake cutting in the evening. Aai, Mandar and Amay also came. It was a brief affair with cake and bhadang.  Workwise it was moderately loaded. Couple of meetings, few calls and a plan for an activity tomorrow. Thought for the day - clear minded actions are always key for a smoother execution.