Nov 21, 2020

 Its was a saturday. Got up at bit late than ususal. The progressed got some office calls. Addressed some issues. Completed some tasks that I had promised myself.

Started reading books. Shri dasbodh. It is full of wisdom. It has deep impact on the subconscious. There are certain books  that have one theme that you can catch and it continues. But dasbodh is full of pearls. One particularly got impressed is the significance of human birth. It lists down the great things achieved by human beings and how fortunate we are to have it. It further goes on impress altruistic life as what we say its my own is actually shared. The space we live in, the body we have, is all shared by cohabitants. Family, microorganisms. So it should occur naturally to us to think for all.

Yesterday went to dental clinic to have Kanad's troubling milk teeth removed. Dr Dharmadhikari was dressed up like a Covid fighter. He skillfully gave local anesthesia and removed three already decayed loose troubling three front teeth of Kanad. One of the new one is already visible.

Though of the day - Clear the intent, align the vision, remove the doubts and actions will flow effortlessly.


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