कोजागिरी २०२०

Office work occupied major part of the day.
It being kojagiri, had glass of milk with everyone late in the evening. 
बिनीताने ढोकळे पाठवले होते, आणि संध्याकाळी मेथी पुऱ्या होत्या.
मंदारबरोबर गूळ अद्रक डीकाश घेतलं. सोपा आणि चांगला प्रकार आहे चहा ऐवजी.
Atharv, Kanad, Prathamesh went to terrace to view full moon. They saw the mars as well along the moon. Kanad was quick to fix a painting made by his aaji by painting mars besides the moon.
Tomorrow will be working to catch up with week' work spilling over.


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