
Diwali 2020 starts

      The day was not very loaded. Routine mails, fewer in person calls, couple of team meetings, a field sw launch support. Office opens on Tuesday. It is good point to start diwali with no major work item in back of mind. Time to start reading a book. Deewali delicacies are mostly already prepared. No cracker demand till now form kids. There was rasgulla in lunch, bhel and kaju katli in the evening snacks. Thought of the day - A calm mind is foundation to experience passage of time else its mad rush with nothing happening in awarenesses.

Nov 12, 2020

 आज बराच व्यस्त दिवस होता. नवीन प्रोजेक्ट live झाला. कधीतरी field deployment करायची होती ती आज केली. सुधारणा होत राहतील. वापर सुरू झाला. आज दिवाळीचा पहिला दिवस वासू बारस. फराळाचे प्रकार घरी बनत आहेत रोज. उद्या पूर्ण होतील. दिवणजींशी बोललो. दिवाण गुरुजी मागच्या महिन्यात गेले. त्यांच्याबद्दल बोलणं झालं. गुरुजींनी जवळ जवळ ४थी पर्यंत शिकवलं. त्यांची एक शैली होती. शिकवण्याची शिस्त होती. त्यांच्या शिकवणीमध्ये मस्त पैकी चिंचेच्या झाडावरील चिमण्या मोजण्यात आणि गप्पांमध्ये शिकण्यात छान वेळ जायचा. आनंदी बागडायचे दिवस होते ते. त्यांच्या आठवणी ही एक आयुष्याची शिदोरीच आहे. आज गिट्टूशीही बोललो. कोरोना झालाय त्याला आणि वहिनींना. 14 दिवस झाले आता बऱ्यापैकी आटोक्यात आहे. बाकी काळजी घेणे आणि औषध घेणे हेच आपल्या हातात असतं. बकीही गप्पा झाल्या त्याच्याशी.  मुलांनी आज किल्लाही बनवलाय दिवाळीचा. तो असा जर तरच्या पलीकडे निश्चीत निर्णय घेणे आणि त्यात निमग्नपणें कार्यरत होणे यात आनंद आहे. 

Nov 11, 2020

 It was a routine day. Few meetings, some coding, mails and debugging. Found time for skipping. Diwali preparations are at peak. Lighting, fitting, sweet and namkeen getting prepared one by one. Deewali begins tomorrow. Thought of the day - Settling scores is a trap best avoided, better to follow the joy song from within.

Nov 10, 2020

 The day was moderately loaded. Work started at 10, continued with reviews, meetings, calls. Today is election results of Bihar assembly elections. Too closely contested as results are slowly trickling due to covid restrictions. Would be interesting to see how it unfolds over next few hours. There is also IPL final match. Delhi vs. Mumbai. Too much entertainment. Thought of the day - time flies pretty fast, one of the best utility of time is the experience of joy.

Nov 09, 2020

 The Monday morning started with work starting at 10. Ends at 12 with a deployment. Breaks during the day were for skipping, some chit chat, tea and meals. On work front concluding few projects which is outcome of work of last few weeks.  Atharv and Kanad both have runing nose today. Some home remedies are on with nebulization. Today the yearly diwali gift from office arrived. Tomorrow are the Bihar election results. It will be interesting to see the outcome. Thought of the day - The depth of the experience decides its retention period. Hope to have aplenty.

Nov 08, 2020

 रविवार. सकाळी प्रथमेशसाठी अँटिबायोटिक्स आणल्या. Amox+Clox हे combination बऱ्याच शोधानंतर एका दुकानात मिळालं. हर्षद मेहता सिरीयस बघितली एपिसोड 3 पर्यंत. त्या काळातील घडामोडी पाहून लहानपणीच्या वातावरणाचा गंध जाणवला. काळ बदलला तरी माणसाच्या स्वभावातील गुण दोष तसेच रहातात. स्वनिल सर आणि पियू ताई आले आज. प्रथमेशचा अर्धा आजार आई बाबांना बघून पळाला. बाकी nebulization ने बराच फरक पडला. आता कणादचं नाक वाहातय. दुपारी एक डुलकी झाली. संध्याकाळी सूप केलं. थाई vegitables, टोमॅटो. ठीक होतं. नितीकथांचं पुस्तक दोन गोष्टी वाचून दाखवल्या कणाद आणि अथर्वला. त्यांचं मराठी चांगलं व्हावं यासाठी बरीच उठाठेव करवी लागणार आहे. दोरीच्या उड्या मारल्या अथर्व बरोबर.  Thought of the day: मोठ्या लक्षासाठी छोटी छोटी पावले टाकत राहणे महत्वाचे आहे.

Nov 07, 2020

 It was a leisurely spent Saturday by lockdown standards. Stepped out for a bank visit.  Also submitted online exam files from Atharv and Kanad at their school. आज नित्य साधनेबरोबर हवनही केलं. Started watching Harshad Mehta web series on Sony Liv. Like peculiar of the web series it is a page turner. Plan to complete tomorrow. There was a cucumber subji for dinner. Quite a change. Tastes well in new form as well. Read the third part of the Kenopnishad. Its in the form of a story. When the Gods won a battle, they were in awe of their own greatness with a shade of hubris. That's when a yaksha appears. Thats when Indra sends Agni first and Vayu next to know about the guest. However both of them with thier earth moving powers could not burn or fly a grass like object given by the guest. They return without completing thier mission. When on insistence of gods Indra himself goes to the guest, He mysteriously disappears. Appearing at that instance devi Parvati tells Indra that He was the p