
Dec 22, 2020, Tuesday

At around 6 PU tai came with coffee for father. Came back to home, had bath and nitya sadhana. Checked mails, had lunch and went back to hospital. The doctor visited and enquired about health. He advised discharge tomorrow. Advised walking.  Went to Mandar in the afternoon when Ashu and Aai were in the hospital. Atharv Chatufale / Tillu has come at Mandar's place. Had a walk in Nisarg Udyan with him and Mandar in the evening. He is a bright kid. Will excel in the field he chooses. At night its regular medicine dose. Father had rice and dal for dinner.  In the evening Lalit Chauhan called and in the night Amit & Amar called. Chit chat. Hope for catchup once we have vaccine dose. Thought of the day - awakened is a better state than unaware ignorance. ॐ

Dec 21, 2020, Monday

 Today Harnia operation of Arvindrao was done. From admission to back to the room, it went well. There was uneasiness that he reported during night owing to stomach ache.  The pain should subside in couple of days time. Bapu was there since morning till evening. Mandar was there during the operation and some time during the night. Swapnil sir was there in shifts. Went upstairs the hospital and tried to see the great Saturn and jupiter conjunction in the west. Saw the glimpse with sky gazing and compass. Thought of the day - Trust the god and do the right thing. ॐ

Sunday, Dec 20, 2020

 Its 12th anniversary of wedding. Wrote few words as a celebration. Went to Mandar in the evening. Had a pasta, pulav treat. It was gajar halwa as a sweet for lunch. Had a nap in the afternoon, first in last one month. 12 years is a long period, good one to pause and look back, here are few words that expressed themselves: ॐ पाहिलं वर्ष होतं बघण्याचं उघड्या आणि बंद डोळ्यांनी पुढचं कुटुंब आपलं करण्याचं सर्वाना समजण्याचं गब्ब्याच्या चाहुलीचं घराचं गोकुळ बनण्यासाठी आईपणासाठी सर्व जापण्याचं सहण्याचं, पुढची तीन चार वर्षे गब्ब्याच्या येण्यानं सर्व आयुष्य  बदलून जाण्याची, त्याचं हसणं चालणं, बोलणं, पडणं, सर्वांना भुरळ पडणं साजरं करण्याची, मग कणादचं हळूच नकळत येणं, सर्वाना आनंदाचा नवा अध्याय देणं, मग दोघांचं बालपण साजरं करणं, आजी आजोबांना, आकाश ठेंगण करणं, अथर्वची मुंज जसं काही एक समाधानाचं शिखर असणं, यात चढ उतारही होतेच, कधी काळाचा नियम,  प्राणप्रिय माणसंच जाणं, आजारपणं, काही वादविवाद, तात्विक मतभेद, पण हळूहळू तू काय आहेस हे मी समजलो, गुणदोषांसाहित  मला तू उमगून घेतलंस, थोडा मी तुझ्यात आलो थोड

शनिवार, 19 डिसेंबर 2020

 साई स्नेहदीप मधन कॉविड चे रिपोर्ट घेतले. डॉक्टरांना भेटलो. सोमवारची हर्निया operation ची तारीख घेतली. बाकी दिवस भरात साधना. संध्याकाळी ऑफिसचे थोडे काम केले.  पुस्तक वाचण्यात वेळ गेला. संध्याकाळी मिक्स भाजी भात बनवला. आजचा विचार - कठीण परिस्थितीतुन अपल्यापर्यंत आलेले ज्ञान अमूल्य आहे, आपण त्या साखळीच्या प्रत्येक दुव्याचे ऋणी आहोत.

Dec 18, 2020, Friday

 आज दुपार एक वाजता अरविंदरावांची कोविडची टेस्ट केली. उद्या रिपोर्ट येतील. उद्या डॉक्टरांना भेटू.  बाकी ऑफिसचे मीटिंगस, कॉल्स, थोडी बहुत कोडींग यात दिवस गेला. आज दोरीवरच्या उड्या मारल्या. १५०. बिनीताने उधीयु हा भाजीचा गुजराती प्रकार करून पाठवला होता. छान होती झाली. सगळ्यांना आवडला. आवळा लिंबू काळं मीठ आलं यांचा काढा केला. आता गाडी झोपायपर्यंत आली आहे. आजचा विचार - जे घडतं ते घडवतो म्हणलं की ओझं होतं, आणि ते तसं नसतं, ते घडतच असतं, आपण साक्षी असतो, ओझं वाहायचं काही कारण नाही.

Dec 17, Thursday, 2020

 Met with Dr Abhijit Bagul with reports in afternoon. Deciding to operate Arvindrao for Harnia on Monday. Met with the physician Dr Sonawane in the evening.  Workwise the day was occupied with meetings. One discussion regarding estimating upgrade needs to AG layer required some coding. Rest were general discussions for ongoing and upcoming projects.

Dec 16, 2020

Wednesday, went to SSD for 2D Echo test at 3. Came back with all reports at 4. Routine meetings, calls, support occupied the day. Thought of the day - time is great commodity as precious as ephemeral deserves to be consciously spent.