
Nov 04, 2020

आज संकष्टी. साडेदहा ते साडेनऊ काम झालं. उपवास साडेनऊला सोडला. आज दोरीवरच्या उड्या नाही मारल्या.  बातम्यांमध्ये US निवडणुकांचा गोंधळ सुरू आहे.  आज सकाळी अर्णब गोस्वामीच्या अटकेची बातमी होती. खेचाखेची सगळी बघून गंमत वाटते. खुजे लोक जास्त झालेत सगळ्याच क्षेत्रात.  काही नवीन बनण्याची प्रक्रिया वाढत्या चंद्रकले प्रमाणे असायला हवी. रोज प्रगतिशील. शेवटी कृष्णार्पण म्हणण्यातच शहाणपण आहे. शिल्लक ही बोधातच आहे. आयुष्यात काही केल्यापेक्षा काही केले नाही त्याचीच सल जास्त जाणवते म्हणून करण्यात कासराई सोडायची नाही असा शिरस्ता पकडायचा आहे.

Nov 03, 2020

 The day was unusually less loaded. Could find time to look into issues postponed due to low priority. Trying to make skipping part of daily routine instead of weekend one. Counted 140 today. Prepared pulao for dinner. Kanad did not have it because it was spicy for him. So  Ashu prepared wheat shira for him. Diwali approaching time to take more family time out. Sweets, snacks, light and reading more literature. Thought of the day - miracle is unseen hard work. With hard work made visible it is consequence.

Nov 02, 2020

The day started with meetings, continued with lunch, mails and work. Work wise it was good day. Need some deep dive into mibs and snmp tomorrow. Typically the mibs can't be said to be well documented from its usage perspective. If you need to grasp the old and evolved versions its bit involving process. Today took time off for skipping. Counted 140.  To cling to conclusions based on top of the mind thoughts is a tendency well avoided. A well thought action is what makes the effort worthwhile.

Nov 01, 2020

आज सकाळी निवांतपणे दिवस सुरू केला. जेवणानंतर सिनेमा शोधला, १ २ सुरुवात रटाळ असल्याने सोडले. शेवटी लुटकेस बघितला. केनोपननिषाद भाग दोन वाचला. जे काही व्यक्त आहे ते ही पुर्ण सत्याचा अंश आहे. त्यामुळे जर कोणी मी परमात्म तत्व जाणतो म्हणत असेल तर तो ते जाणत नाही. आणि जो जाणत नाही म्हणत असेल तर तो ते जाणतो. यावर शिष्य म्हणतात की आम्ही पुर्ण परामत्व जाणतो किंवा जाणत नाही असे दोनीही दावे करत नाही. परमात्म तत्वाच्याया प्रेरनेनेच त्याला जाणण्याची शक्ती निर्माण होते. या जन्मात अशी प्रेरणा उत्पन्न झाली नाही तर मोठी हानी आहे. असा विचार करून धीर मनुष्य सर्व भुतेशु परमात्म तत्व जाणून या भूलोकातून प्रयाण करून अमृतत्वाला प्राप्त होतात. असा साधारण दुसऱ्या भागांचा भावार्थ आहे. Remaining part of the Osho book delved around the same concept of not associating with thoughts. Being witness. Being natural. The concept of light. That there is no such concept of darkness. You can not turn on darkness similar to you can turn on light. Darkness is just a dependent concept of absence of light. The same can be said

Oct 31, 2020

 Being a saturday the day started a little late. Caught up the pending work.  Recited ramraksha, bheemrupi, with kids. Helped with Biryani for dinner.  Practiced skipping. Counted 125 approx. Plan to complete the Pending pages of Osho book. And plan to continue Kenopnishad tomorrow. Tell mind to not think of monkeys and there will be monkeys all over. May be better technique is to be observer to the show. Let the thoughts come stay and go. Not to like or dislike them. Not to associate with them.

कोजागिरी २०२०

Office work occupied major part of the day. It being kojagiri, had glass of milk with everyone late in the evening.  बिनीताने ढोकळे पाठवले होते, आणि संध्याकाळी मेथी पुऱ्या होत्या. मंदारबरोबर गूळ अद्रक डीकाश घेतलं. सोपा आणि चांगला प्रकार आहे चहा ऐवजी. Atharv, Kanad, Prathamesh went to terrace to view full moon. They saw the mars as well along the moon. Kanad was quick to fix a painting made by his aaji by painting mars besides the moon. Tomorrow will be working to catch up with week' work spilling over.

Turning 38

 The day was packed with issues and calls.  Birthday celebrations were homebound, with sweetdish in lunch and cake cutting in the evening. Atharv penned letter as a greeting card along with Kanad. He is getting good at writing.  मंदारकडे आईने, बिनीताने ओवाळले. तिथंही केक कापला. पोरांनी गोंधळ घातला. आणि परतलो. Regarding the book, it is stressing on significance of unoccupied mind. And can't agree more on that. Lets catch up more tonight. Friction of life gets reduced with uncloudy mind. Lets practice it.