
Nov 08, 2020

 रविवार. सकाळी प्रथमेशसाठी अँटिबायोटिक्स आणल्या. Amox+Clox हे combination बऱ्याच शोधानंतर एका दुकानात मिळालं. हर्षद मेहता सिरीयस बघितली एपिसोड 3 पर्यंत. त्या काळातील घडामोडी पाहून लहानपणीच्या वातावरणाचा गंध जाणवला. काळ बदलला तरी माणसाच्या स्वभावातील गुण दोष तसेच रहातात. स्वनिल सर आणि पियू ताई आले आज. प्रथमेशचा अर्धा आजार आई बाबांना बघून पळाला. बाकी nebulization ने बराच फरक पडला. आता कणादचं नाक वाहातय. दुपारी एक डुलकी झाली. संध्याकाळी सूप केलं. थाई vegitables, टोमॅटो. ठीक होतं. नितीकथांचं पुस्तक दोन गोष्टी वाचून दाखवल्या कणाद आणि अथर्वला. त्यांचं मराठी चांगलं व्हावं यासाठी बरीच उठाठेव करवी लागणार आहे. दोरीच्या उड्या मारल्या अथर्व बरोबर.  Thought of the day: मोठ्या लक्षासाठी छोटी छोटी पावले टाकत राहणे महत्वाचे आहे.

Nov 07, 2020

 It was a leisurely spent Saturday by lockdown standards. Stepped out for a bank visit.  Also submitted online exam files from Atharv and Kanad at their school. आज नित्य साधनेबरोबर हवनही केलं. Started watching Harshad Mehta web series on Sony Liv. Like peculiar of the web series it is a page turner. Plan to complete tomorrow. There was a cucumber subji for dinner. Quite a change. Tastes well in new form as well. Read the third part of the Kenopnishad. Its in the form of a story. When the Gods won a battle, they were in awe of their own greatness with a shade of hubris. That's when a yaksha appears. Thats when Indra sends Agni first and Vayu next to know about the guest. However both of them with thier earth moving powers could not burn or fly a grass like object given by the guest. They return without completing thier mission. When on insistence of gods Indra himself goes to the guest, He mysteriously disappears. Appearing at that instance devi Parvati tells Indra that He was the p

Nov 06, 2020

पहाटे विचारात जाग आली. आजोबांच्या संदर्भात विचार होते. ते आहेत असा काही संदर्भ होता. उठलो, परत लगेच झोप येणार नाही असं वाटलं. चार वाजले होते. लॅपटॉप लावून बसलो. थोडं काम केलं आणि परत एक झोप काढली. साडेदहा ते जवळ जवळ दहा काम होतं. meetings discussions coding असा busy दिवस होता.  आज आठवडा संपतोय. उद्या पर्वा थोडी निवांत दिनचर्या असेल. आजचा विचार - मनाचा निश्चल निर्विचारपणा हा थकव्याचा रामबाण उतारा आहे.

Nov 05, 2020

 Routine Thursday started with meeting, continued with completing some pending integrations along with meetings in between. Breaks included skipping, one for black tea, one step out to collect grocery. The fast charger of the phone is deteriorating might need to get new one.  It was a idli dinner. Change in food is always a delight. Mandar came with Amay. Amay is already very good bilingual. With some tricks we could make him speak Gujrati that he picked while at Mangrol. Language picking ability of young ones is really amazing. There is MI vs. DC IPL match in progress. Firecrackers by Hardik Pandya and Ishant Kishan took MI score to dot 200 at last ball. Now with 4 DC wickets down in 7th over and 36 runs its looking to be one sided match. Thought of the day - there will be friction when there is flux of ideas and perspectives, thats how something worthwhile will take shape.

Nov 04, 2020

आज संकष्टी. साडेदहा ते साडेनऊ काम झालं. उपवास साडेनऊला सोडला. आज दोरीवरच्या उड्या नाही मारल्या.  बातम्यांमध्ये US निवडणुकांचा गोंधळ सुरू आहे.  आज सकाळी अर्णब गोस्वामीच्या अटकेची बातमी होती. खेचाखेची सगळी बघून गंमत वाटते. खुजे लोक जास्त झालेत सगळ्याच क्षेत्रात.  काही नवीन बनण्याची प्रक्रिया वाढत्या चंद्रकले प्रमाणे असायला हवी. रोज प्रगतिशील. शेवटी कृष्णार्पण म्हणण्यातच शहाणपण आहे. शिल्लक ही बोधातच आहे. आयुष्यात काही केल्यापेक्षा काही केले नाही त्याचीच सल जास्त जाणवते म्हणून करण्यात कासराई सोडायची नाही असा शिरस्ता पकडायचा आहे.

Nov 03, 2020

 The day was unusually less loaded. Could find time to look into issues postponed due to low priority. Trying to make skipping part of daily routine instead of weekend one. Counted 140 today. Prepared pulao for dinner. Kanad did not have it because it was spicy for him. So  Ashu prepared wheat shira for him. Diwali approaching time to take more family time out. Sweets, snacks, light and reading more literature. Thought of the day - miracle is unseen hard work. With hard work made visible it is consequence.

Nov 02, 2020

The day started with meetings, continued with lunch, mails and work. Work wise it was good day. Need some deep dive into mibs and snmp tomorrow. Typically the mibs can't be said to be well documented from its usage perspective. If you need to grasp the old and evolved versions its bit involving process. Today took time off for skipping. Counted 140.  To cling to conclusions based on top of the mind thoughts is a tendency well avoided. A well thought action is what makes the effort worthwhile.